Saturday, August 26, 2017

Sábado 26 de Agosto 2017

Hoy la Profe Amy nos hizo un quiz oral para poner a prueba nuestra pronunciación del ingles. Nos reímos mucho de las palabras que pronunciábamos mal porque sonaban muy chistosas. 

En la lección biblica nos hablaron del burro de Balaam y como Dios usa las cosas mas extrañas para hablarnos y hacernos ver que estamos mal, para corregir nuestros actos.


Today, Teacher Amy gave us an oral quiz to be able to test our pronunciation in English.
We laughed a lot at the words that we mispronounced because they sounded very funny.

In the Bible lesson, they talked to us about Balaam’s donkey, and how God uses different things like this to talk to us, and to make us see that we are acting poorly, and we need to correct our actions.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Sábado 19 de Agosto 2017

Hoy en la lección biblica aprendimos sobre la parabola del sembrador y como nuestros corazones tienen que ser tierra fertil para la palabra de Dios.
La profesora Amy nos enseño esta misma parabola pero en ingles ella nos enseño las palabras que no entendimos. 

aprendimos nuevas palabras en ingles jugando con cartas haciendo parejas. 

Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Mr Ralph agradecemos todo el apoyo que nos dio durante todo este tiempo, pedimos a Dios fortaleza para su familia.


Today in our Bible lesson, we learned about the parable of the sower, and how are hearts have to be fertile ground for God's Word.

Teacher Amy taught us this same parable in English, and she taught us the words that we did not understand. 

Today we learned new words in English via cards that have images, and the students paired the duplicated images. 

We are mourning the passing away of Mr. Ralph. We are thankful for all of the support that he and his wife gave us during all of the time. We ask God for strength for his family.